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Privacy Policy

Privacy Statement

1.1 Welcome to Sophora Déco Privacy Policy. Sophora Déco is a legally registered company that, in accordance with U.S. law, is dedicated to protecting the privacy of its customers and website visitors!

1.2 Sophora Déco ("I," "we," or "Sophora Déco") respects users' privacy and strives to protect their personal data and use them in accordance with data privacy laws. This privacy policy describes how, with your consent, we collect, use, and process limited personal data collected from you or provided by you in connection with your use of our website (https://www.sophoradeco.com/) and our on-demand custom services (collectively referred to as "Services"). By accessing or using our Services, you signify that you fully understand the terms set forth in this privacy policy.

Promoting Security and Protection

2.1 We adhere to principles of legality, compliance, and transparency, collecting, using, and processing the minimal amount of data for limited purposes, and employing technical and managerial measures to safeguard data.

2.2 We use personal data to help verify accounts and user activities and to promote security and protection, such as monitoring fraud and investigating suspicious or potentially illegal activities or actions that violate our terms or policies. Such processing is based on our legitimate interests in helping ensure the security of our products and services.

2.3 For the purposes of this privacy statement, we use the terms "personal data" and "processing" as defined in the CCPA, Code § 1798.140(v)(1), which defines "personal information" as information that identifies, relates to, describes, is capable of being associated with, or could reasonably be linked to, directly or indirectly, a particular consumer or household. "Processing" typically covers actions that can be performed with data, such as collection, use, storage, and disclosure. Sophora Déco will be the processor of your personal data processed in connection with the Services.

2.4 In accordance with the strictest provisions and standards of COPPA and CCPA, we do not collect, maintain, disclose, or process personal information related to visitors under the age of thirteen (13). If you are under the age of 13, please do not use our Services. If you are under 13 and have used our Services, please contact us at the email address below so we can delete your personal information. If you believe that a child under 13 may have provided us with personal data, please contact us at contact@sophoradeco.com, and we will promptly follow procedures to delete this limited information.

2.5 If you use our Services to fulfill orders and deliver products to third parties, you will be considered a "merchant," and with respect to your contact information and other data listed in Section 1 below, we act as the data controller. If we act on behalf of the merchant to fulfill orders related to the merchant's customers, we are the data processor. Please refer to our data processing terms.

2.6 Please note that while our Services may contain links to other websites or services, we are not responsible for the privacy practices of each website or service. We encourage you to understand this when leaving our Services and carefully read the privacy statements of each website you visit or service you access. This privacy policy does not apply to third-party websites and services. If you wish to contact Sophora Déco regarding your personal data or this privacy policy, please contact us at contact@sophoradeco.com.

Collection and Use of Personal Information

3.1 Personal data is information that can be used to directly or indirectly identify you. Personal data also includes anonymous data associated with information that can be used to directly or indirectly identify you. Personal data does not include data that has been irreversibly anonymized or aggregated, so whether combined with other information or otherwise, we only process limited personal information in accordance with the law.

3.2 Purposes of Collection and Use

  • To best communicate with customers and potential customers, Sophora Déco only collects the names and email addresses of website visitors who submit sales or technical support inquiries or participate in regular promotions or giveaways. Additionally, when you use our products and services or interact with us in other ways, we may collect limited personal data you provide, such as when you create an account, contact us, participate in online surveys, use our online help, or online chat tools;
  • If you make a purchase, we will collect personal data related to the purchase. This data includes your payment data, limited to your billing, shipping, and contact information. In cases where customers voluntarily submit and consent, Sophora Déco also collects and stores personal information about its customers to provide custom products and services as needed. Sophora Déco uses personal data to help verify accounts and promote security to protect user privacy. Additionally, Sophora Déco may use personal data to provide requested products and services to customers, including verifying customers or contacting them for support, renewals, and product purchases and services. These processes are based on legitimate interests in safeguarding customers and the company.

3.3 Information We Collect

We collect limited information about merchants and users and how we use this limited information. If you are a user, it is necessary to fulfill our agreements, provide, maintain, or improve our products and services (including, to the extent permitted by applicable law, any matters related to our legitimate interests associated with our services), confirm your identity, contact you, and provide customer support (including by email or when you may contact us). For these purposes, the information we collect may include the following personal data:

  • Name;
  • Company name (if applicable);
  • Shipping information (shipping address);
  • Payment and billing information (payment method details, payment card first and last digits);
  • Order processing information (customization details);
  • If you have consented to register your account, when subscribing to our communications or blogs, or when sharing any other personal data with us (e.g., our list of subprocessors), we will send subscribed information and/or promotional materials to your email address, such as newsletters, our advertisements, and other information about services. You can unsubscribe from our emails at any time. For merchants, we do not use your customer's contact information to directly promote or advertise our services;
  • We use cookies and similar technologies on our website, and we may collect data, such as information on your device, your preferences, information you provide when visiting our website, your interactions with the website, and other information for analysis, marketing, and targeting activities (including unique identity access, revisits, and actions on webpages). To learn more about how we use cookies on our website and how to opt out of interest-based advertising, please refer to our cookie policy;
  • In ensuring the security of our network, providing access to you, and improving our services in accordance with our legitimate interests, we also collect technical usage data: how and when you access your account; information about the device and browser you use;
  • Information about merchant's customer data;
  • If we act on behalf of a merchant to fulfill orders for the merchant's customers (i.e., the end-users of our service), we are a data processor, and we collect information about the merchant's customers, such as personal data related to end-user services, personal data displayed during the use of any Sophora Déco services, including names, email addresses, phone numbers, delivery addresses, and merchant customer information;
  • If you are a merchant's customer (i.e., an end-user of our service), the merchant is the data controller for your personal data and should provide you with information on how your personal data is collected and processed when using our service. Please read the merchant's privacy policy for more information. If you have any questions about how the merchant processes your personal data, please contact the merchant.

Information Sharing and Retention

4.1 Sophora Déco treats the limited personal information collected as confidential. Without explicit consent from the respective individuals, we will not disclose any customer data. The information you provide to us will not be shared with any third party unrelated to this transaction without your explicit consent.

4.2 Personal data will be shared with third parties related to this transaction under the following circumstances:

  • To facilitate Sophora Déco in providing our customized products and services, we collaborate with third-party service providers and share order processing information (customization details) to support these services, all under confidentiality agreements;
  • Information you provide to us during your use of our services, including technical usage data, will be shared with third parties providing hosting and server hosting services and data and network security services. This sharing is only for data storage purposes and is accompanied by confidentiality agreements;
  • Information you provide to us during your use of our services may be shared with logistics providers solely for the purpose of shipping, also under confidentiality agreements;
  • Your email address and other contact information provided to us, as well as customer service information you send to us, may be shared with communication, email distribution, content delivery services, and customer support system providers;
  • Information related to your purchases and payments will be shared with billing and payment processing services, fraud detection and prevention services, and accounting and financial advisory services, all under confidentiality agreement;
  • In the reasonable necessity to protect our legal rights, we may share your personal data with our legal advisors;
  • We only share personal data with third-party service providers who have committed to complying with applicable data protection laws;
  • In certain cases, and in accordance with the law to protect our or third-party legitimate interests, we may be required to share information with third parties. We will also disclose your information to third parties outside your country/region only to the extent permitted by applicable law, including:
  • In the event of a potential buyer or buyer acquiring all or substantially all of our business, your information will be disclosed solely for statistical purposes and will not be specific;
  • In the event of selling or purchasing any business or engaging in a merger, we may disclose your information to potential buyers of that business;
  • In the event of selling to, purchasing from, merging with, or collaborating with third parties, engaging in reorganization, bankruptcy, or liquidation; or conducting commercial transactions or selling part or all of our assets. In such transactions, your information may be included as part of the transferred assets, and it will remain limited to personal information.

4.3 Retention Period

  • We will retain your personal data as long as you have a Sophora Déco account or as long as there is a legal basis for processing personal data. If you unsubscribe from our emails, such as newsletters, we will cease processing relevant personal data. If you use our services without creating a Sophora Déco account, we will retain your limited personal data as necessary to comply with our legal obligations and to retain information related to the provision of services (e.g., for tax purposes);
  • After terminating our relationship by deleting your Sophora Déco account or otherwise ceasing to use our services, we may continue to store copies of your data (for merchants, this includes your customer's personal data) as required to comply with our legal obligations, resolve disputes between you and us (or you and your customers), prevent fraud and abuse, enforce our agreements, and protect our legitimate interests (to the extent permitted by applicable law) until all orders have been fulfilled.

4.4 Information Security

  • We strive to use reasonable organizational, technical, and managerial measures to protect the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of personal data. We encourage you to safeguard your personal information when conducting activities online, set strong passwords for your Sophora Déco account, limit access to your computer and browser after ending your session by logging out, and avoid providing any sensitive information to us.

Other Privacy Policy Requirements

5.1 GDPR Privacy Policy

  • If you are a resident of the European Union, the UK, Liechtenstein, Norway, or Iceland, you have certain rights regarding your personal data under the General Data Protection Regulation ("GDPR"). You have the right to request access, rectification, modification, deletion, withdrawal of consent, data portability, object to our use, lodge a complaint, or restrict the use of your personal data. These rights may be subject to limitations, such as when fulfilling your request would disclose personal data about another person, when we are required to retain the data by law, when there are overriding legitimate interests (where applicable law allows us to continue storing the data to protect our legitimate interests). For more information about these rights or to submit requests, please email us at contact@sophoradeco.com.;
  • Additionally, if you believe that we have unlawfully processed your personal data, you have the right to file a complaint with the contact information provided below or with your respective data protection supervisory authority. If you are a customer of a merchant (the end user of our service), please first address your concerns with the relevant merchant.

5.2 Rights of California Residents

  • If you are a California resident and have provided us with your limited personal information, you have certain rights under the California Consumer Privacy Act ("CCPA"). You have the right to request disclosure of the categories of personal information we collect, use, disclose, and sell. To exercise your right to know, please contact us. You have the right to request the deletion of the personal information we collect and retain. You can exercise this right by deleting your account in your account settings. If you delete your account, we will only retain information related to your purchases and payments to comply with our legal obligations. Exercising any of the rights under the CCPA will not result in discrimination against you;
  • We may disclose your personal information to third parties for purposes of serving you with interest-based ads. You have the right to opt-out of the sale of your personal information by us by refusing our cookies or deleting all cookies stored in your browser and setting your browser to block cookies, thus opting out of the sale of your personal information;
  • To request to know or delete data, please log in to your Sophora Déco account.

5.3 Rights of Nevada Residents

  • If you are a resident of Nevada, you have the right to opt-out of the sale of certain personal data to third parties who intend to license or sell that personal data. You can exercise this right by sending an email to contact@sophoradeco.com with your name and the email address associated with your account.

5.4 Contact Information

  • Any future changes to this privacy policy will be posted on this page. Therefore, we recommend that you check this page periodically.

5.5 Contact Information

  • If you have any questions about your personal data or this privacy policy or wish to lodge a complaint about how we handle your personal data, please contact us via email at contact@sophoradeco.com.

Maintenance of Personal Information

6.1 Updating Personal Information

Users can request changes to the personal information stored, maintained, or archived by Sophora Déco by sending an email to Sophora Décoo or by mailing the address listed at the bottom of this page. Requests made via email and mail are subject to verification by Sophora Déco to ensure the authenticity of the request.

6.2 Use of Information

Sophora Déco may use personal information to provide products and services as requested by customers, including using this information to verify customers or contact them for discussions related to support, renewals, product purchases, and services. Sophora Déco may allow its business partners to assist in providing the necessary products and services. All Sophora Déco business partners must maintain the utmost confidentiality of the minimal personal information obtained and may only use this information within the scope required to provide the necessary products and services.

6.3 We take reasonable measures to ensure the accuracy, completeness, and currency of your personal data. You have the right to access, correct, or delete the personal data we collect. You also have the right to restrict or object to further processing of your personal data at any time. You have the right to receive your personal data in a structured and standard format. You can file a complaint with the data protection supervisory authority regarding the processing of your personal data.

6.4 To protect the privacy and security of your personal data, we may require you to provide verification to confirm your identity and your right to access such data, as well as to search for and provide you with the personal data we maintain. In certain cases, applicable laws or regulations may allow or require us to refuse to provide or delete some or all of the personal data we maintain. You can contact us to exercise your rights. We will respond to your requests within a reasonable timeframe, not exceeding 30 days in any case.

Data Processing Terms

7.1 These Data Processing Terms ("Terms") form part of the service terms between Sophora Déco, its affiliates, and subsidiaries, and the Merchant (as defined below) concerning the Sophora Déco services. These Terms are binding between Sophora Déco and the Merchant and constitute a data processing agreement. In case of any conflict between these Terms and the Agreement, these Terms shall prevail. If you do not agree with these Terms, please do not use this service (as defined below).

7.2 Definitions

  • Capitalized terms not otherwise defined in this Agreement shall have the meanings set forth in this Agreement;
  • "Agreement" refers to the service terms entered into with the Merchant for the use of the Sophora Déco services;
  • "Data Subject," "Controller," "Processor," "Supervisory Authority," and "Processing" have the meanings set forth in the CCPA;
  • "Data Protection Laws" means (a) the California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA) as amended by the California Privacy Rights Act (CPRA); (b) the Children's Online Privacy Protection Act (COPPA); and (c) the California Online Privacy Protection Act (CalOPPA), as may be amended, consolidated, re-enacted, or replaced from time to time in each case;
  • "Merchant" refers to any person, whether a legal entity or a natural person, who uses the Sophora Déco services to fulfill orders and/or deliver their products to recipients (including the customers of the Merchant);
  • "Standard Terms" refers to the standard contractual clauses (controller-to-processor) as may be amended, updated, or replaced from time to time as set out in the CCPA;
  • "Parties" refers to Sophora Déco and the Merchant;
  • "Personal Data" means information that identifies, relates to, describes, is reasonably capable of being associated with, or could reasonably be linked, directly or indirectly, with a particular consumer or household, as defined in Code § 1798.140(v)(1);
  • "Service" refers to the on-demand customization services provided by Sophora Déco to the Merchant, including the outsourcing of printing and delivery of products for individual use by customers of the Merchant, as well as branding, warehousing and fulfillment, design, marketing, and other services that Sophora Déco may provide upon the request of the Merchant;
  • "Third Country" means all countries within the European Economic Area (EEA), excluding countries that have been approved by the European Commission as providing adequate protection for personal data as of the date of this Agreement, which includes Andorra, Argentina, Canada, Faroe Islands, Guernsey, Isle of Man, Israel, Japan, Jersey, New Zealand, Switzerland, and Uruguay;
  • "Sensitive/Special Personal Data" includes personal data subject to additional protection/restriction/notice obligations. Specific protection for sensitive personal information typically includes:
    ☒Personal data revealing racial or ethnic origin ☒ Personal data revealing political opinions ☒ Personal data revealing religious or philosophical beliefs ☒ Personal data revealing trade union membership ☒ Genetic data ☒ Precise geolocation data ☒ Biometric data used for unique identification ☒ Data concerning health/medical information ☒ Data concerning a natural person's sex life or sexual orientation ☒ Financial information ☒ Government identification numbers or information

7.3 Subject Matter of These Terms

  • These Terms govern the processing of any personal data by Sophora Déco on behalf of the Merchant;
  • In cases where Sophora Déco processes personal data on behalf of the Merchant, the Merchant acts as the Controller, and the Company acts as the Processor, solely on behalf of the Merchant for the processing of such personal data;
  • The Merchant hereby designates and instructs Sophora Déco to process personal data in accordance with these Terms, including transferring personal data to third countries or international organizations.

7.4 Details of Processing

  • In the event that Sophora Déco processes personal data on behalf of the Merchant, the following processing details shall apply:
  • Categories of Data Subjects: Customers of the Merchant (end-users of Sophora Déco), potential customers of the Merchant, or other end-users of Sophora Déco services, for whom the Merchant has authorized Sophora Déco to process their personal data;
  • Types of Personal Data: Personal data related to the Merchant's customers, any personal data related to the customization of the Merchant's content (if applicable), and any personal data disclosed during the use of any Sophora Déco services, including the names, email addresses, phone numbers, delivery addresses, and other information of the Merchant's customers;
  • Nature and Purpose of Processing: Sophora Déco processes data under these Terms for the purpose of providing services to the Merchant and ensuring compliance with the obligations set forth in the agreement between the Merchant and Sophora Déco, to the extent that such processing involves personal data. Sophora Déco may only access personal data provided by the Merchant and use this personal data as instructed by the Merchant in these Terms.;
  • Duration of Processing: Data shall be processed for the duration of the Agreement.

7.5 Responsibilities of the Merchant

  • The Merchant warrants that it has complied and will continue to comply with data protection laws, including those specified in Section 7.2;
  • The Merchant acknowledges that the personal data transferred to Sophora Déco has been collected on a lawful basis, and the Merchant has obtained any necessary approvals or provided any necessary notices required under data protection laws, and the Merchant has the right to provide personal data to Sophora Déco;
  • The Merchant acknowledges that these Terms contain a sufficient description of Sophora Déco processing of personal data, including its scope and purposes;
  • In cases where additional instructions for the processing of personal data are required, the Merchant may provide such instructions to Sophora Déco, beyond what is prescribed in these Terms. These additional instructions must be reasonable, feasible for Sophora Déco to implement, adequately documented, and in compliance with data protection laws and must be accepted by Sophora Déco;
  • The Merchant shall be responsible for the accuracy of personal data and shall promptly update the data if there are any changes, and notify Sophora Déco accordingly;
  • The Merchant shall be responsible for any claims or complaints made by data subjects in connection with any actions taken by the Merchant pursuant to the instructions received from the Merchant, and the Merchant shall indemnify and hold Sophora Déco harmless from any and all claims, liabilities, costs, expenses, losses, or damages (including consequential and loss of profit, and all interest, fines, and legal and other professional costs and expenses) arising directly or indirectly out of any breach of this Section 7.5.

7.6 Responsibilities of Sophora Déco

  • Sophora Déco shall act solely on behalf of the Merchant in processing personal data and shall always follow the instructions provided in these Terms;
  • Sophora Déco has implemented appropriate technical and organizational measures and shall continue to comply with such measures throughout the term of these Terms;
  • Sophora Déco monitors and ensures that all individuals authorized by Sophora Déco to process data under these Terms have fulfilled confidentiality obligations or are subject to appropriate legal confidentiality obligations.

7.7 Assistance to the Merchant

  • Considering the nature of processing, Sophora Déco shall, to the extent reasonably possible, provide the Merchant with all reasonable assistance, including providing technical or organizational measures, to fulfill its obligations as a controller under the following:
  • Any requests from data subjects for access or identification, erasure, restriction, portability, blocking, or deletion of their personal data, processed by Sophora Déco on behalf of the Merchant. If such requests are directly sent to Sophora Déco, Sophora Déco shall promptly forward such requests to the Merchant;
  • Investigating any breach of security that leads to the accidental or unlawful destruction, loss, alteration, unauthorized disclosure, or access to the personal data belonging to the data subjects of the Merchant, or any other event affecting the confidentiality, integrity, or availability of the personal data of the Merchant ("Data Breach"), and notifying the relevant supervisory authorities and data subjects (where required). Additionally, Sophora Déco shall promptly notify the Merchant of any such Data Breach;
  • Preparing data protection impact assessments, if applicable, and consulting with any supervisory authorities where necessary.

7.8 Sub-Processors and Data Transfers

  • To enable Sophora Déco to fulfill its obligations under the Agreement and manage and provide services, the Merchant hereby grants Sophora Déco a general authorization to use sub-processors. The Merchant can obtain the current list of sub-processors used by Sophora Déco by entering the email address of the registered account in the section below. The list will include the identification of sub-processors, the services provided, and the country/region they are located in;
  • In this section of the Sophora Déco website, the Merchant will be notified of the addition, replacement, or any intentional changes to the Sophora Déco sub-processors. Such notification will appear ten (10) days before the sub-processor is put into use. During this period, the Merchant may object to the appointment or replacement of sub-processors by sending written notice to contact@sophoradeco.com, providing reasonable grounds for objection (e.g., where there may be a violation of data protection laws). If the Merchant does not object, Sophora Déco may proceed with the appointment or replacement;
  • Sophora Déco hereby confirms that its sub-processors are contractually bound to comply with the data processing obligations, and the sub-processors have the same obligations as Sophora Déco;
  • If Sophora Déco processes personal data in any Third Country, access, and/or storage, Sophora Déco shall:
  • Comply with the obligations of the data importer as set out in the Standard Terms, which are incorporated into and form part of these Terms, with Clause 8 providing for technical and organizational security measures to be adhered to by the Merchant;
  • The Merchant acknowledges and agrees that Sophora Déco may engage affiliates or third-party subcontractors to process the personal data of the Merchant in Third Countries, provided that such processing is done in accordance with the requirements of data protection laws. The Parties agree that personal data may be transferred to affiliates or third-party subcontractors that are certified under "Privacy Shield" for the purpose of processing such data. Additionally, the Merchant grants Sophora Déco authorization to use the standard clauses provided in Clause 8 (Technical and Organizational Security Measures) for this purpose.

7.9 Audits

  • Upon the written request of the Merchant and where the Merchant reasonably believes that the information provided is insufficient to confirm the Sophora Déco compliance with these Terms and data protection laws, Sophora Déco shall provide sufficient information to evidence its compliance with the obligations set forth in these Terms and data protection laws. The information provided shall be within the control of Sophora Déco, and no legal obligations of confidentiality or other third-party obligations shall prevent Sophora Déco from disclosing such information
  • If, in the reasonable judgment of the Merchant, the information provided in response to the Merchant's request is insufficient to confirm the Sophora Déco compliance with these Terms, the Merchant shall have the right to conduct an audit of the data processing;
  • Such audits may be conducted by an independent third party with a good market reputation, provided that such third party has sufficient experience and capability to carry out data processing audits, and the selection of such audit organization must be agreed upon by both the Merchant and Sophora Déco;
  • The timing and other practical aspects related to any such audit or examination shall be determined by Sophora Déco, and the cost of providing any such information and assistance shall be borne solely by the Merchant. Sophora Déco reserves the right to charge the Merchant for any additional work or other costs related to such audits. The Merchant may request an audit no more than once every two years;
  • The auditor shall be required to sign a confidentiality agreement that includes an obligation not to disclose business information in their audit report, and the final report shall be provided to Sophora Déco.

7.10 Return and Deletion of Data

  • Upon the Merchant's choice, Sophora Déco shall either delete or return all personal data to the Merchant at the end of this Agreement and shall delete existing copies, unless applicable law requires Sophora Déco to store such personal data.

7.11 Applicable Law

  • These Terms are governed by Hong Kong law and subject to the dispute resolution procedures specified in this Agreement.

7.12 Amendments

  • Sophora Déco reserves the right to modify these Terms at its discretion. In case of significant changes, Sophora Déco will notify the Merchant in writing, granting the Merchant the right to terminate the Agreement.

Technical and Organizational Security Measures

Sophora Déco shall implement the following technical and organizational measures to ensure the physical security of personal data and control the system input, access, transfer, input, availability, and separation of personal data.

8.1 Establishing the Identity of Authorized Personnel to Prevent Unauthorized Access to Sophora Déco Premises and Facilities for Processing Personal Data.

8.2 Prevention of Unauthorized Access to Data Processing Systems:

  • Use up-to-date antivirus software, including email filtering and malware detection;
  • Implement firewalls;
  • Lock computers of users and administrators during idle times;
  • Require complex passwords and two-factor authentication (2FA) for all systems;
  • Implement the principle of least privilege, allowing only necessary access for users to fulfill their job functions. Access beyond these minimal privileges requires appropriate authorization;
  • Utilize RSA/ed25519 two-factor authentication for most critical remote connections;
  • Conduct vulnerability scanning and remediation;
  • Implement data center and website penetration testing programs.

8.3 Prevent Unauthorized Activities within Data Processing Systems from Going Beyond Any Authorized Scope:

  • User and administrator access to the network is based on a role-based access control model. The concept of authorization is based on a "need-to-know" basis for granting access to data;
  • Management of users is done through system administrators or system owners;
  • External third-party audits of IT governance and controls are conducted regularly;
  • Regular internal control audits are performed.

8.4 Ensure that Unauthorized Individuals Do Not Read, Copy, Alter, or Delete Personal Data in Their Electronic Transmission or When Recorded or Transferred to Data Carriers and Ensure the Ability to Verify and Establish Where Personal Data Is or Must Be Transmitted via Data Transmission Equipment.

Cookie Policy

9.1 Sophora Déco website uses cookies. With your consent, in addition to essential and performance cookies that are necessary to ensure website functionality and aggregate statistics, other cookies for analytical and marketing purposes may be placed on your computer or other devices when you access our webpages. This Cookie Policy describes the types of cookies we use on our website and for what purposes.

9.2 What Are Cookies?

  • Cookies are small text files created by websites that are downloaded and stored on any device that supports the Internet, such as your computer, smartphone, or tablet, when you visit our website. Your browser, when you subsequently visit, uses cookies to send information back to the website, allowing the website to recognize you and remember your preferences (such as login information, language preferences, and other settings). This makes your next visit easier and the website more useful to you.

9.3 What Types of Cookies Do We Use, and for What Purpose?

  • We use different types of cookies to operate our website. The following are the cookies that may be stored on your browse.
  • Essential Cookies: These cookies are necessary to provide you with the required functionality or services. For example, certain cookies enable you to log into secure areas of our services. Disabling these cookies may make some features and services unavailable;
  • Functional Cookies: Functional cookies are used to remember your choices and settings for our services, keeping your preferences over time, and recognizing you when you return to our services. These cookies help personalize our content for you, greet you by name, and remember your preferences (such as your chosen language or region) without collecting any additional personal identity information.

9.4 How Can You Control Cookies?

  • When you visit our website, you will be presented with an information statement about the use of cookies on this website and asked for your consent to enable non-essential and performance cookies. You can decide whether to accept cookies through the settings of your internet browser. Most browsers have options to disable cookie functionality, which will prevent your browser from accepting new cookies and, depending on the complexity of your browser software, allow you to decide in various ways whether to accept each new cookie. You can also delete all cookies that are already on your computer. However, if you do this, you may have to manually adjust some preferences every time you visit the site, and some services and functionalities may not work properly;
  • If you wish to revoke your consent for cookies to be stored on your device, you can delete all cookies stored in your browser and configure your browser to block the storage of cookies. Instructions on how to prevent your browser from storing cookies and how to delete already stored cookies can typically be found by clicking the "Help" button in your browser, along with information on which cookies are already stored. You will need to change the settings for each browser you use. However, please note that by not saving certain cookies, you may not be able to fully utilize all features and services of the Sophora Déco website.

9.5 Changes to the Cookie Policy

  • We reserve the right to make changes to this Cookie Policy. Revisions and/or additions to this Cookie Policy will become effective after being published on our website;
  • By continuing to use our website and/or our services after changes to this Cookie Policy, you signify your agreement with the updated Cookie Policy. It is your responsibility to regularly review the contents of this policy for any changes.


10.1 Sophora Déco may send promotional emails to individuals who choose to join the Sophora Déco mailing list. These emails may include tracking beacons to provide Sophora Déco with information about email engagement. The purpose of this communication is to allow Sophora Déco to measure the effectiveness of its advertising and marketing activities. Subscribers can choose not to receive any non-essential promotional information from Sophora Déco by following the instructions provided in each promotional email or by sending an email to contact@sophoradeco.com.

10.2 Sophora Déco reserves the right to send informational emails to our customers. Informational emails must be related to the primary purpose of collecting information and are specifically used for responding to inquiries, providing customer support, delivering information, and informing customers about ordered products and services. As informational emails contain fundamental information related to the use and security of Sophora Déco products and services, customers cannot unsubscribe from informational emails.

10.3 Sophora Déco may use third parties to manage its email lists and has signed confidentiality agreements with them to send promotional or informational emails. However, Sophora Déco restricts its partners from sending spam emails related to the Sophora Déco website, brand, or products.

Contact Information

11.1 If you have any questions regarding your personal data or this Cookie Policy, please email us at contact@sophoradeco.com to get in touch with us.

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Total delivery time =

Production time + Shipping time

Production Time

All of curtains are customized. Once you place an order, we will start making it according to the size you provide. The processing time is 7 to 14 working days (excluding weekends).

Shipping Time

We offer 2 shipping methods, standard shipping of 7 to 10 working days and express shipping of 4 to 6 working days.
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Secure Payments

Sophora supports a variety of payment methods such as credit/debit card, paypal and has been verified by SecureTrust.
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Free delivery on orders above $ 59.00

Sophora offers free standard shipping for orders over $ 59.00.
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Eligible for Return within 14 days

With Sophora, you have 14 days to change your mind. Custom-made products are excluded from this right, and the return shipping costs are on you (including the return fee and a portion of the loss of raw materials).
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